Animal noises will pop on the screen and tell you what animal it is.You claim the kill to get the animal stats like weight/size/time taken and score. Bagging a kill will show you-where you hit them, sex/age/region/district/weapon/distance.Spotting-look down your sights to spot and the game will tell you if you have the right ammo to take it down and what animal and sex it is.You can level up your companion and they have 3 traits-expertise/drive/stamina and you earn EXP by praising them and using them often.Tents-find them and they act as fast travel points.Map-you can add waypoint and markers with specific stamps like animal types/tents/stands etc.
Locations will show what animals reside there and you can check if you have the license and you get told what the weather is. You get to manually request a target to be pulled into action. Uses a local leaderboard against Ai names. Shooting range tournament mode-3 difficulties-easy/medium/hard. Outside your hunting lodge is a set of events-shooting range, load-out tent, and skeet range. Unlock a lodge extension to show off your trophies. Customize your hunter with new clothing. Bed-can set the time slot between, morning/afternoon and evening. Licenses play a key role as you can only hunt what you own a license for. All locations have rules like don’t shoot females, all kills have to be bagged. Items-range finders and binoculars, lures, caller, powders, etc. Four weapon types-rifles, shotguns, modern sporting rifles, and bows/crossbows. Shop-licenses, weapons, optics, items, and companions. Hunting Lodge-here you can buy licenses, guns, ammo, look at trophies, read the wiki. Kills-you bag your kill then you can either sell them or turn them into a trophy. Companion -you have a dog with you that can find and track animals for you. 3 views-first person/3rd person/far behind. DS4 touchpad support for camera control.
Tweak gameplay settings-animal calls, dead prey location, tracking assistance, hit markers, companion marker, companion states, head bobbing, metrics used, and compass.Choose your gear from over 160 official weapons, accessories, and clothing items. With your hunting dog by your side, explore the Texan desert and forests of Colorado and Europe as you track down 33 animal species.